

英漢字典: tamper with

1. handle ignorantly or foolishly;busy oneself rashly with胡亂處理;瞎弄

    He tampered with the insides of his watch and ruined it. 他瞎弄手表裡的機件,以致把它弄壞了。

2. secretly get sb. to do or say wrong things(esp. by giving him money or by threatening to hurt him)(用不正當的手段)使某人做壞事

    The candidate tried to tamper with the voters but in vain. 候選人企圖收買投票人,但未能得逞。

3. make unauthorized changes in 篡改

    The document doesn't seem genuine;it must have been tampered with. 這文件不象是真的,肯定被篡改過了。

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